
overwatch is a game on battle.net its a game that is about fighting and defeating and wining and killing in overwatch are diffrent types of players there are even diffrent types of wining u can win if u goatta defend or attack u can win with play of the game in short its called potg and u can get potg by killing 3 or 4 people really fast after each other but if u kill them slow u can't get potg but u win too if u have 5 golden medals u get them by getting the most eliminations/objective time/healing done/enz there are diffrent ways to show other players how OP u are if u don't know what OP means it means OverPowerd that u are really good in that game.

this skin down here u see is from reinhardt, if u think this is a legendary skin ur wrong normal legendary skins kost 1000 but last time this new skin kost 3000 so this is a celestial or a asedant skin, so what if there will be new skins that are better then this skin. then mayby the skin would be a LEGEN-DARY  XD pr the power over 9000 idk but keep an look out for new characters and skins

There are diffrent characters and skins in overwatch, there are 23 difrent characters and over 120 skins, in overwatch there are 4 diffrent groups there are {Offence} {defence} {Tank} {Supporters} that are al the groups u have not more and not less, there is Always 6 players per team its 6v6 but if u play in arcade tben u can do 3v3 and 1v1 there are some games that u can play with ur friends its called a party u can make a party to inite 1 or more friends to ur game if the name is blue that is just ur normal team but if the name is green then u have a party but u can even make party's with random person's its just from the defelepors to make overwatch more fun.

in overwatch are a few diffrent maps some are big some are small i'll put some pictures from the maps in under this so if u scroll down u will se it

1# Hanamura

2# Kingsrow

3# Numbani

4# Oasis

5# Route 66


7# Eichenwalde


9# Lijiang Tower

10# Nepal


12# Dorado

13# Temple of anubis

14#Volskaya industries

these are all the maps there are i sayt a few but actally its a lot quese if u know all theze maps its actally a lot

how to

how to get overwatch, well overwatch is just a game from a website to first buy then download its the same like ark but the first thing u got to do is go to the website click here .

and then u download it and buy it to play a nice game from overwatch.