the oculus rift is are digital gaming glasses they are used to play games but it looks more real bequese it will make ur senses like if u got a oculus walker u can really walk arround without any controller or if u have oculus Gloves their are senses on it that if u are in an game and u pick something squizzy up or slimey u really feel it so this oculus rift can be funny but it can give hart attacks
and its sometimes too real so some people have told and showt me that u can in real life die by an oculus rift let me tell u about it.
here are some pictures about how the oculus rift stuff looks like
like the gloves or the oculus or other things from it can u inmagine how much it costs XD
okay that on the guy its head is the oculus rift mayby u did know or didnt know that what he has on his hands is the oculus sensor gloves if u are in the game and u feel blood on ur hands ur brain thinks that ur really feeling blood on ur hands that comes bequese of the oculus and the cloves so look out bequese it can be dangerous
the VR Gloves are motion sensored
ur hands that u see in VR is what u do urself with the gloves on it looks pretty amazing that the sensored motion gloves exist
why this foto from the oculus has a soort of protection shirt on i have no clue why he has that on quz it has to do nothing with the oculus but the gloves do
and this is the oculus rift walker instead of using an controller u can actally walk in the game with the walker its more scarry and u will think more that its real look out and do not fall XD
there are so many diffrent kinds of the oculus rift 1 is better 1 is not see for urself wich 1 u like more.
The oculus rift has too many sensors in the oculus rift itself or in the oculus walker or in the gloves so you think you're literally in the
game your brain thinks you're real so let's say so every person has a bucket.
For example, if I had a bucket than every time i'm scared a little water in the bucket but if I eventually get too scared and the bucket is full then I have 100% chance of having a heart
attack and then I have A lot of chance to die.
And therefore the oculus rift is quite dangerous.
Let's say in your head there are small senses or small threads every thread has a sting feeling in it, but every time you're in VR, your brain thinks that everything that happens in VR thinks your brain is real and that's not good because At one point you can get a hard attack because your intestation dies and then you have 60% chance of stopping still because your brain feels you die so you have to do a lot of VR otherwise you can not do this
their are diffrent kinds of games here is a list of diffrent games that u can play with the oculus rift
almost evrygame actally.
my overwatch name is
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and u can join me to ask for some more info. my discord name is Thenastymaster#4684
if there is some info u need or something else, u can join my group and ask me and if u want ur friends to join 2 then give the ip to ur friends and give ur friends my website so they can look at it too.