
Fbr and fstw

FBR means Fortnite Battle Royale

and FSTW means Fortnite Save The World

What is fortnite well let me tell you,

fortnite is a shootergame it looks like a mix from pubg, minecraft, and overwatch quz the pickaxe like minecraft to break things down and the characters are a little like overwatch and the rest from pubg

but if u don't know what pubg is that means player unknown battle ground

it looks like it but in fortnite battle royale u do not have any armor u can get a shield potion but not armor

u can get good weapons but the ammo isnt that much and u can build and can't drive in cars but u can break cars and houses to get metal wood or brick to build urself a house when ur at the end of the game, but when ur ingame u can have a party with 4 total

and when ur ingame ur with an total of 100 players, so when ur ingame know that u can die fast so its an hungergames game so know where u go to the fittest.

but fortnite isnt only fortnite battle royale there is also fortnite save the world

where u fight zombie's. and first was fortnite 80 dollar but it will be free soon

quz the makers of fortnite have stolen the ideas from pubg so they can't make any money anymore so they try still to make money with save the world but at the end of january 2018 it wil be free to play so evryone that has buyt it are not rlly smart

or u think like hey i like the suits and new guns but actally its a free to play game so if u put money into the game its not really smart.


well there are 4 diffrent gamemodes in fortnite battle royale

there is



-Squad    fill/no fill


those 4 gamemodes are insane like 50vs50 is to much but in evry gamemode it stays with an total of 100 players not more but still u can join rlly fast into an other game and idk how many people plays this kind of game but its 2 much people

and there are more diffrent minigames over the year like Blits solo

or blits squad