there is first are the beginner tools like
-stone hatchet used for wood
-stone pickaxe used for metal,stone,thats and flint
-spear used to defend urself
-bow used for arrows
-club used for taming
-torch used to see things in darkness
-bola used for taming
-shield used to protect urself
then later u get the normal tools like
-metal hatchet used for wood
-metal pickaxe used for metal,stone,thatch and flint
-Sickle used for fiber
-pike used to kill dinos
-crosbow used with stone arrows and tranq arrows
-compoundbow used with metal arrows
-metal shield used to protect urself
-sword used to defend urself
-riot shield used to protect urself
-Flametrower used to burn ur enemy's
-chainsaw used for wood and killing enemy's
-boomerang used for taming
-handcuffs used for trolling friends and stealing enemy's
-Grenade used for raiding
-Poison Grenade used for poisoning ur enemy
-Cluster Grenade used for killing the enemy
-Smoke Grenade used for much smoke be like a ninja
-C4 used for raiding
-Explosive used for explosions
-Simple gun used for killing
-shotgun used for killing
-sniper rifle used for killing
-flaregun used for killing
-fabricated simple gun used for killing
-fabricated shotgun used for killing
-fabricated sniper rifle used for killing
-fabricated auto-gun used for killing
-rocket launcher used for Raiding
there are diffrent types of armor there is all of the armor is used for protection
-autoTurret used for defend
-BalistaTurret used to bola a quetz
-minigunTurret used for killing enemy
-CatapultTurret used for knocking down birds
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if there is some info u need or something else, u can join my group and ask me and if u want ur friends to join 2 then give the ip to ur friends and give ur friends my website so they can look at it too.