Ark survival evolved

This information is from ark survival evolved, its a game on steam that u can buy if u don't know what Steam is i should tell u, Steam is a website/app with allot of games on it that u can play for free or buy it to play online with friends but some games are online and for free but steam is 1 of the best things that ever happend to me quese i like games i know allot of people likes games and there are diffrent grapics in ark there is low,medium,hard,epic and thats it but i have evrything on high and then textures on epic and its pretty amazing looking but if u play with like 40 mods or something like that then u mayby should put it on low or medium or both quese mayby ur pc won't hold it

ark survival evolved is just a game that is about survivaling in the time of the dinos evry dino that is in this game lifed 20000 years ago, al these dinos can be tamed and killed on diffrent ways i think that this game is 1 of the beautifullst games and bequese this game is so detailt its fun to play u learn how to survival and taming and making stuff to be more powerfull u learn allot in this game but if u want to know more i got some tips for u -->

1 do never when u first start the game do not put the grafics on high and epic, mayby ur computer can't handle it.


2 if u start the game for the first time do not go into caves ur not ready for it and if u want to go into caves or take a sabertooth into it or take our pteranodon into the  cave or u will

not survive.


3 try to learn the dinos or u will never be pro.

and here is mayby for u a trailer if u didnt saw 1 but the trailer is cool and if u want to watch it scroll down below this page and u will see it and there is a song and Ark survival of the fittest is actally just Hungergames in ark survival evolved but there is teams or solo if u win this that means ur pro ik ark survival evolved

there are in total 14 artifacts  ark survival evolved there are 10 in normal ark survival there are 3 in scorched and 1 in the center map

u can use them for decoration in ur base but u can use them in real for a boss to spawn in but u can't spawn in the dodorex that is just 1 boss u cannot spawn in but this is the name of the artifact

- Artifact of the Brute

- Artifact of the Clever

- Artifact of the Cunning

- Artifact of the Devourer

- Artifact of the Hunter

- Artifact of the Immune

- Artifact of the Massive

- Artifact of the Pack

- Artifact of the Skylord

- Artifact of the Strong

- Artifact of the Crag

- Artifact of the Destroyer

- Artifact of the Gatekeeper

- Artifact of the Devious

there where actally 15 artifacts but they removed 1 bequese there was already too much and this 1 was for scorched earth u know the weird pictures in the cave from the hand and the picture of the manticore that artifact opent them they where doors and behind them was allot of loot and stuff but people thought that they could live there so only people with that artifact could open them but then it got removed bequese it has so much loot that respawned so it was too OP the name of that artifact was -Artifact of the Flamekeeper. but behind the manticore wall was a dino that they removed too it was a strong and secret dino that nobody ever saw that was when i figgured it out they removed it thats why i got this information to tell u guys/girls quese behind it was a soort of sabertooth but it was not a normal 1 it  was a sabertooth with knifes as teeth it was a acient is a picure of it how it looks like. this is how it looks like. the lvl minimum from this thing is 2024 u can tame it and breed it with a normal saber to get a chance to get more of those.

oh yeah if u know what a leech is then u mayby know how they look like and how a alpha and mega leech looks like but if u don't know here are pictures from them. but the leech is a horrible dino it drinks ur blood and grows more and more until u kill it.

i hate it when this happens

when the tek tier armor came out there came something else out too like this gigantic leech but in ur screen in the bottom left if u have a leech on ur body u see a leech face print in the left corner so then u know if u have a leech on u or not its handy but its pretty anoying a leech on u it won't go of until u stand on a campfire to burn it or ur friends take it of from u but if ur friends are not online or they are doeshbags then they won't do that -.-   .

pvp and pve

sometimes in servers are pvp or pve or pvpve,  pvp is that u can griefe and kill other players but sometimes its no fun if u griefe other people u think like yeah i did it i got so much stuff but when it happens to u then u think like now there going to get payback only don't make the same mistake that i did to griefe admins back sometimes thats no good idea but yeah if u get mad from things like that u got 2 options or just keep griefing and u get griefed back or go to pve servers or pvpve,  pvpv2 is that u can kill players and there dinos but can't break there bases.

or just troll people for the fun :P


in ark survival evolved are a few bosses some u have to find and some u have to spawn in from the obiliscs there are 4 from the obilisc and 1 from finding. the 4 from the obiliscs are Broodmother, megapithecus, dragon, manticore, and the 1 from finding is the dodorex here are the pictures from how they look like and how the arena looks like from it

the broodmother when it hits ur trex with the string this is how it will look like go to picture 3

the megapithecus is just really strong its a little bit stronger ten the broodmother and spawns a few gigatopithecus the normal monkey that eats berry's and when u tame it that u sit on its sholder's

the dragon is just too strong u have to shoot it with allot of rockets and hit it with rockelements and gigas and trex's

when u kill 1 of those bosses in their inventory they drop Elements and those are used for tek armor and tek tier.

the manticore is the boss from scorched earth

the dodorex is a part of helloween but it doesnt go away in any moment the dodorex is like a normal creature it won't despawn it keeps going even when there is no helloween no mods

the dodorex takes a long time to tame if u don't have 40cc tranq Arrow then it will take allot of time and arrows or darts if u have 40cc tranq arrows then u need like 20 but if u have normal tranq arrows it takes 200 and darts take 100 but u think like whait 40cc tranq arrows that doesnt exist well actally it does exist but its not craftable u get it when u kill the dragon boss or the megatopithecus it was last time in the new update from the tek tier armor.

the dodorex is hard to find, but if u folow good cordinates u will find it if u know the center map i saw it there in the center map there is a dungeon that looks like this picture below that is nearby a little doorway cave that goes to the underworld there u can find him u can defeat it for its head and a flag and a hat skin or u tame it and be the strongest player on the server

when u tamed the dodorex it will be urs forever but if u killed it or tamed it after a few minutes like 40/50 then a new dodorex wil spawn Always is the first 1 a female the next 1 wil be male if ur strong enough and tame 2 of them then u can breed them and when the eggs hatch u can kill 1 of the parents for the dodorex mask if u still want it quese after u tame 2 they won't respawn so u have to keep breeding them to make a cool and awesome and strong army or u keep breeding them for the masks

a dodorex can be in diffrent colors there is orange that u see on the left and brown that u see on the right but there is purpl,pink,red,green,blue,white,black well actally evry color u can think about and the best part this is no mod some people think its a mod but it isnt.

oh yeah if u have a dodorex tamed and 1 of ur owne dodo's died the dodorex will bring it back to live and u get ur own very strong zomdodo army quese the zomdodo are verry strong

some people think this is fake this is not real well actally this is real but allot of people didnt know about this in ark they Always workt for to kill bosses but didnt knew that u could tame 1 of them and the dodorex when ur fighting it, it will spawn zomdodo's so thats why some people didnt beleived that if 1 of ur  dodo's dies that it comes back alive but then like a zombie and the zomdodo is so strong if u want to griefe someone with 20 of the zomdodo's and attack a metal base in a few minutes in inside that base 1 zomdodo does 2,540 damage.

when u have killed a boss it drops its head and a flag but only the dodorex don't drops its head or a flag it just drops a dodorex mask so if u kill a broodmother/megatopithecus/dragon/manticore u get its head and a flag from it, but if u kill the dodorex it only drops the dodorex mask if u want to have the flag from evry boss u have to kill them all.

Cheat fails

that moment when someone makes a greenhouse and sees that he needs allot of fertilizer but lives somewhere that lives no dung beetle or a phiomia so he cheats and fails and u see this.

cave info

u can make a base in a cave but in a cave i recoment that u should take a sabertooth,dire wolf, or a terror bird but thats it and if u go in a cave like the swamp cave i recoment to put chillie and scuba on and for the helmet a gas mask and weapons a crosbow and shotgun and sniper rifle and a rocket launcher and recomented allot of grapling hooks but if u got a mod in it from reusable grapling hook thats great but if u do all of this vanilla i recoment like 24 mayby 30 grapling hooks.

or u get AidsBola

or the other name SwampVenom

go to this website for more info (SwampCave) and defeat the hidden boss

its a AraneoQueen

u think like hey thats not real there is only normal araneo's and the broothmother well no there is a araneo and a broothmother but there is a AraneoQueen too its just hidden and if u defeat it, it sometimes drop a helmet from the Araneo Mask. that looks like this

there is no cheaty way to get the mask or to spawn in the AraneoQueen u know when u see it, it looks like a spider with 2 heads 12 legs and wings its like a mutant and this is no mod it has the color from Dark purple and Wine Red mixed. good luck with finding the AraneoQueen.

new dungeon.